
Thursday, May 29, 2014


This is a brass instrument very similar

to the trumpet, distinguished by

its conical bore, compact shape,

and mellower tone quality.

Cote a 'Shropshyre sheep
Cote is a small shed for sheep or birds.

A Shropshire is a large, hornless

sheep developed in Shropshire, England. The

reference here means a shed full of sheep.

Cotton goods
Bolts of fabric.
Cracker barrel
A large, cylindrical container, holding
crackers. People supposedly
would gather round cracker barrels for
conversation in old-time general stores.
the dried unripe berry of a tropical shrub (Piper cubeba) of the
pepper family that is crushed and smoked in cigarettes
Dan Patch (1897-1916)
Most famous trotting horse ever, from Indiana. This horse travelled
in a private railway car and lived in a barn called the "Taj Mahal."
There is a trotting competition named for him along
with a movie called THE GREAT DAN PATCH (1949).

Daughters of the American Revolution, a patriotic society founded in
1890 in Washington, D.C., and open to women with
ancestors who aided the American Revolution.
Day laborer
A laborer who works by the day; for daily wages.
Del Sarte, Francois (1811–71)
French teacher of acting and singing. Del Sarte formulated certain principles
of aesthetics that he applied to the teaching of dramatic expression. 
He set up rules coordinating the voice with the gestures of all
parts of the body. Harold: "Every move you
make, Mrs. Shinn, bespeaks Del Sarte."
This is a very large bottle, sometimes up to 10 gallons in capacity. Most 
were hand blown bottoms. They were used as containers
to hold wine, molasses, and other liquids.
A loose wench; a disreputable sweetheart.

Methodist youth group, extremely popular in rural America in the 1890's
and early 1900's.(Zaneeta Shinn declines
a date because "it's Epworth League night")
A duplex instrument with the characteristics
of two different instruments.
U.S. Marine Corps Band in 1910. A double-belled euphonium at the right.
"Every'time-a-bull's eye"
The precise accomplishment of a goal or purpose.
Ribbons, silks, laces, etc.
A small wooden barrel or covered
vessel -- used for butter, lard, etc.
A gadding, flirting girl. From gig -
A playful or wanton girl, which is
from the Old English term giglot - A wanton;
a lascivious or light, giddy girl.
Paper coated with a sticky, sometimes
poisonous substance, used to catch flies.
"For Hester to win just one more A"
From Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel
about the adulterous Puritan Hester Prynne
who wore a red A sewn to the front 
of her dress as punishment for having a
child with a man other than her husband.
"For no Diana do I play faun"
Diana is the Roman Goddess of the hunt, the
moon and women in childbirth. She married
Faunus, protector of herds and crops, who
was attended by fauns, half man/ half goat
creatures, like satyrs.
Friml, Rudolf "Rudy"
(1879 – 1972)
Friml was a composer of operettas and musicals. Born in Prague,
he moved to the U.S. in1906. His best-known
"Frittern away their time"
To reduce or squander little by little: frittered
his inheritance away; to waste.
Gary is a city in Lake County, Indiana, United States. The city is in the
southeastern portion of the Chicago metropolitan area and is 25 miles
from downtown Chicago and borders Lake Michigan. Statistics from the
2010 census makes it the seventh-largest city in the state. It and is
 best known for its large steel mills. In 1901 the city was named for
Elbert Henry Gary (October 8, 1846 – August 15, 1927) an American lawyer,
county judge and key founder of U.S. Steel in 1901, bringing
together partners J. P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, and Charles M. 
Elbert Henry Gary
Elbert Gary
Gilmore was regarded by John Philip Sousa as the "Father of
the American Band." He wrote "When Johnny Comes Marching Home.”

It was Patrick Gilmore (and his band) who started

the tradition of greeting the New Year in Times Square.

A type of marble. Glassies are glass marbles, either handmade

or machine-made; and are the most common type of marble used.

Harold: “Marbles. Six steelies, eight aggies,

a dozen peewees and one big glassie."

This is a saying of Jesus, from the Bible, "As ye would that men

should do to you, do ye also to them likewise." This evolved into

the modern saying, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

He was born in Humboldt, Iowa on 27 April 1878, is considered

by many to be the first great professional wrestling champion.

He was the director of the Naples Municipal Band in Naples, Italy

He came to the U.S. in 1899 and organized his own band, Creatore's

Orchestra, which toured and performed around the U.S. at the same

time as Sousa’s band, and continued performing until 1947.

"Great go"
This is slang for passing a test or trial successfully.
A suitcase or valise.