
Thursday, November 20, 2014


"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent."
AUTHOR: Victor Hugo
“Feelings can be communicated through music in a way that words 
  can never express."


Symphonic Fantasy
After Dante, Op. 32
Paolo and Francesca (1888)  -Charles Edward Hallé (1846-1914)
Charles Edward Halle: Paolo and Francesca
Francesca da Rimini:
Symphonic Fantasy
After Dante, Op. 32
Vladimir Fedoseyev, Conductor
Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra, 1991

File:Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Paolo and Francesca da Rimini - Google Art Project.jpg
Dante Gabriel Rossetti: Paolo and Francesca da Rimini
Dante Gabriel Rossetti:  Paolo and Francesca da Rimini, 1862
Francesca da Rimini was an Italian noblewoman. Unhappily
married, she fell in love with her brother-in-law. When her
husband learned of the affair, he murdered his wife and
brother, a tragedy recounted in Dante's Inferno.

William Blake The Circle of the Lustful: Francesca da Rimini (The Whirlwind of Lovers) 1824–7
William Blake:  The Circle of the Lustful
Francesca da Rimini (The Whirlwind of Lovers) 1824–7
Francesca da Rimini and Paolo Malatestascene
by Jean-Auguste Dominique Ingres
"Francesca da Rimini"
William Dyce:  Francesca da Rimini 

Canto II
The Bride's Journey to Rimini
Lines 1-49

We'll pass the followers, and their closing state;
The court was entered by a hinder gate;
The duke and princess had retired before,
Joined by the knights and ladies at the door;
But something seemed amiss, and there ensued
Who got in clumps, or paced the measured street,
Deep talk among the spreading multitude,
Filling with earnest hum the noontide heat;
And brought no symptoms of a bridal feast,      10
Nor ceased the wonder, as the day increased,

No mass, no tilt, no largess for the crowd,
But a blank look, as if no court had been;
Nothing to answer that procession proud;
Silence without, and secrecy within;
But now and then a bustling through the halls,
And nothing heard by listening at the walls,
Or the dim organ roused at gathering interals. 
The truth was this:--The bridegroom had not come,
But sent his brother, proxy in his room.
A lofty spirit the former was, and proud,      20
Little gallant, and had a sort of cloud
Hanging for ever on his cold address,
Which he mistook for proper manliness.
But more of this hereafter. Guido knew 

The prince's character; and he knew too,
That sweet as was his daughter, and prepared 

She had stout notions on the marrying score,
To do her duty, where appeal was barred,
And where; the match unequal prospect bore, 

Might pause with firmness, and refuse to strike      30

A chord her own sweet music so unlike.

The old man therefore, kind enough at heart,
Yet fond from habit of intrigue and art, 

Which seemed to him mere maiden niceties,
And little formed for sentiments like these,
Had thought at once to gratify the pride 

By telling him, that if, as he had heard,
Of his stern neighbor, and secure the bride,
Busy he was just then, 'twas but a word, 
And he might send and wed her by another,      40

Of course, no less a person than his brother.
The bride meantime was told, and not unmoved, 

And when Giovanni, struck with what he thought
To look for one no sooner seen than loved; 

Dispatched the wished for prince, who was a creature
Mere proof how his triumphant hand was sought,
Formed in the very poetry of nature, 
Caught in the elaborate snare, perhaps for life.

The effect was perfect, and the future wife.

Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delacroix: