COMPOSER: CHOPIN/Prelude #7 Opus 28
1. Entering room procedures
....a. Handout is passed out.
Contents: seating chart, rules to be gone over and later to be signed, "Behavior Warning" sheet and "Behavior Multiple Choice 'Silly' Test"
....b. Backpack placement in back of room at designated area
....c. 2 pencils brought to seat
....d. Students start "Silly Test" (to be continued tomorrow) while teacher takes role.
2. Teacher introduction
3. Class Overview
4. Bathroom/Water Directions (more of rules discussed tomorrow)
5. Use of a "piggy back" song to help learn recorder rules.
a. Beat
b. Rhythm
c. Mathematical patterns of the beat
d. Body Percussion (snap, head tap, and "patsch" thighs)
6. Exit room procedures
OBJECTIVE: Introduction to violin class
1. Entering room procedures
....a. Handout is passed out.
Contents: seating chart and rules to go over and to then be signed (to be continued tomorrow)
2. Teacher introduction and philosophy
3. Exit room procedures
OBJECTIVE: Overview of plans for the year
1. Seating arrangement expectations
2. Go over and play samples of some of the music chosen for the year
3. Take out violins and make sure cases are labeled
4. Pass out loan forms to get signed.
5. Pass out class rule sheets (review as needed) to be returned signed.
6. Preparation so everyone to begin playing tomorrow.
7. Explain how to tune a violin and everyone practices tuning on their instrument.