In his own words...
A true musician "grows in wisdom...
He is brilliant...
He learns to do without and is prepared to make great sacrifices...
enormous sacrifices...
if I may say...
His energy is tremendous...
In other words he is prepared for the struggle...
and with honesty he shall fight it...
The performance of an Art demands complete self-denial...
...It was not meant as a joke what I just said...
about sacrifices...
The Music makes heavy demands upon those who want to devote themselves in it...
This is what I have wanted you to call your attention to...
A true musician must subordinate himself to his Art;
...he must place himself above human suffering;
..he must draw courage from within
...and only from within."
Erik Satie
Satie is pronounced: “sah-tee”
is a composed word which Satie derivated
from two ancient Greek words:
"gymnasion"= school for gymnastics and, by
extension, school for boys and girls
"paidos"= child, boy
"I have
never written a note I didn't mean."
"I was tired of being reproached with an ignorance of which I
thought I must be guilty, since competent people pointed it out in my
“Before I compose a piece, I walk around it several times, accompanied by myself.”
“I came into the world very young, in an age that was very old.”
"My dream is to be played everywhere, not only at the Opera."
Noted for his early 20th century Parisian avant-garde, experimental style;
eccentric and
Satie was lauded as a forerunner of modern music;
a precursor to later
artistic movements
such as minimalism, repetitive music,
and the Theatre of the
Drawing of Satie by Pablo Picasso
Self portrait by Satie

He was a French composer and pianist.
His mostly short piano works are
spare and
He was the quintessential "artist's
a man who, as one critic wrote,
"had the no-doubt gratifying
sensation of seeing
the times catch up with him."
This is the background music to the melody.