COMPOSER: BACH Violin Concerto in A Minor 3rd movement
1. QUOTE AUTHOR: Nadia Boulanger famous teacher of music composition in early 20th Century
.....a. Students will be responsible for 4 this week; anyone who did 5 will be given extra credit for the extra quote.
.....a. Passed out musical report forms
..........1)Reviewed the first part of the musical "Oliver" by filling in some some of the information asked for on the form
..........2)Main characters we met so far: Oliver and Mr. Bumble
..........3)Names of songs listened to: "Food Glorious Food" / "Oliver" / "Boy for Sale"
..........4)Wrote down... musical's title: "Oliver" / novel the musical was based on: "Oliver Twist / novel's author: Charles
Dickens / musical's composer/lyricist: Lionel Bart / date of musical composition: 1960 / country that the story of the
musical takes place in: London, England
.....b. Today we heard the song "Consider Yourself" and met another main character called the Artful Dodger (PLEASE SEE THE "OLIVER MUSICAL REPORT" ON THIS BLOG FOR DETAILS)
(Next week we will continue to fill-in the report as a class.)
(Period 2 and 6 still need to finish the end of song "Consider Yourself")
.....a. This is an open string, right hand pizzicato, harmony part and will be played with the advanced violins (from the
period 4 class) playing the melody at the concert.
.....b. Listened to the recorded accompaniment and teacher demonstration.
.....c. Reviewed terms and symbols in music
..........1)Quarter notes and rests
..........2)Double bar and two dots (repeat signs)
..........3)meter/time signature
..........4)Importance of the silence in each rest
.....d. The class read/sang the open string notes as teacher pointed.
.....e. In regular pizzicato position we plucked the notes as we sang out loud with the recorded accompaniment
.....f. After the song ended we stopped and because the music was new and played at its performing speed, some students
found it helpful to write the letter names under the notes.
.....g. We replayed it being careful not to play on the quarter note rests.
..........1)The silences in rests are are difficult to play as a whole group at once because if a single person plays during one
the rest is no longer silent.
.....a. Open string bowings: Using the 7 different arm levels: G, G and D, D, D and A, A, A and E, and E
.....b. There are 4 basic bow levels but also 3 more levels which places the bow on two strings at one time.
..........1)Playing 2 different strings at once called DOUBLE STOPPING
..........2)We started to learn these extra levels first by applying the silent bow-arm rocking tecnique (we rocked the bow at
the middle or MB)
..........3)Then we practiced all the 7 levels from lowest G to highest E, 4x each combination using the UH of bow.
Coming Up:
We will be replaying DO-RE-MI songs: Mary and Hot Cross Buns on the G, D, and A strings but adding the next higher open string with it [example playing Mary (DO-RE-MI) on the "D" string but bowing open A with the D string at the same time]. By adding the neighboring (next highest) open string while playing the melody on the lower string, harmony is produced. Using this technique on these DO-RE-MI songs helps students to listen for intonation because it is easier to hear a finger going out of tune when there is another note harmonizing with it.
OBJECTIVE: Preparation for Harvest Day performance on October 28th
2. Orange Blossom Special
.....a. Again having trouble coordinating harmony and melody parts.
..........1)We rehearsed having the violins play all alone with the accompaniment to see if they were able to keep the beat
steady which they were.
..........2)Then the cellos were added and the beat was still steady.
..........3)When the electric guitar was added it was a little too loud and the beat started to get lost. When the sound was
turned down the accompaniment beat was easier to hear.
..........4)We had amped the keyboard because it could not be heard when all the others were playing with the
accompaniment but, like the electric guitar, I think the keyboard amp also needed to be adjusted down. I don't
think the keyboardist could hear the other parts well enough to keep the beat steady because of that.
...........5)Also, when making mistakes while playing in a group the players need to disregard the errors and keep going. If
the player slows down even just a little bit due to the frustration of making the error, the beat will be lost.
3. Hoedown
.....a. Reviewed briefly.
4. Be prepared next week we need to get out the music stands in preparation of the Harvest Festival Performance
.....a. There are 13 practice sessions (days left) before the concert
.....b. We will be performing on the outside stage in the early part of the festival
.....c. When we are finished we can put our instruments away in the room and enjoy rest of the festivities
.....d. More information to follow when I get it.