KING and I
Talked about slavery and novel Uncle Tom's Cabin
SIGHT READ BELIEVE from Polar Express went over violin fingerings
Sight read music from Polar Express: "Believe"
Reviewed whole note and half note rhythm reading
Explained concept of a # sharp (raises the pitch 1/2 step) and showed students how to find A# on the violin (1st finger at the nut behind the thumb) Also showed symbol of a natural sign (to negate the sharp and make the A the way it was before
New terminology: ritardando (rit.) Italian for to retard or to slow down and symbol and definition of a fermata (Bird's Eye) meaning to watch the conductor because the note will be held longer than notated.
Students said note names out loud as I pointed to them
Students then sang note names out loud as I pointed and they listened to accompaniment
Students sang note names out loud as I pointed with accompaniment and played on the violin